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Is CBD Lotion Better than Regular Lotion?

There are a lot of lotions in the world. When we say a lot, we mean a lot. The skincare industry brings in trillions of dollars worldwide annually. So, which is a better product, CBD lotion or regular skincare lotion? That’s what we hope to answer for you today. 

There are benefits from both types of lotions, and the benefits are different. Both are tools, and they help you reach different goals. You can’t use a screwdriver to hammer a nail, as they say. But which of these products is more well-rounded?

We’re going to be taking a look at both with different criteria to see if we can figure out which one is better to use. If you’re having a hard choice about which one you should buy, today’s article was written specifically for you and we’re going to figure out the answer to that together. 

We’ve done the research, we’ve gathered our thoughts, and we’re ready to share all of that information with you here today. So, buckle in, we’re going to be covering these products in detail so you can have a better idea of which product will work best for you. 

First Criteria: Which is Better for Your Skin?

As we mentioned, skincare is an important thing to a lot of people. The skincare industry is one of the largest industries worldwide with millions of people taking great care of their skin with all sorts of products that are made all around the world. 

The three countries that are most well known for their skincare products are France, the United States, and Japan. Japan has the highest sales yearly, and a lot of people believe that it’s because of the high-quality products that come out of Japan every year. 

Lotion specifically for skincare is designed to be able to be used specifically to help with things like:

Skincare companies put a lot of care into making sure that their products are formulated perfectly so that the largest number of people possible can use their products and get good results. Many of these companies also happen to be headed by dermatologists, which makes them even more potent. 

CBD lotion can be designed to help keep your skin hydrated as well, with many of them containing ingredients that help to hydrate your skin. Aloe vera is probably the most common among these, and aloe vera is a very good ingredient for skincare. 

CBD lotions can also not be designed with skincare in mind though, and those lotions might not be effective as lotions at all. Instead, they make more of a massage oil kind of substance. This kind of lotion will leave your skin just as dry as when it started.

So, which of these is better as a skincare product? Some might find it to be a little hard to compare the two in this section for a variety of reasons, but others might already know what our verdict is for this particular criteria.

That’s right, lotion specifically made for skincare wins this one. CBD lotion never stood a chance, unfortunately. You can’t beat products that are designed by people who spent their lives studying how the skin works with a team that has other goals in mind. 

The fact that the skincare market is so valuable only further proves our point. People buy skincare products en masse in order to be sure that they can keep their skin healthy and soft for as long as possible into their lives. 

So, skincare wins this one. It’s not too late for CBD lotion to take the cake, maybe they’ll do better in the section that we’re going to jump to right after this paragraph. Only time will tell…

Which is Better for Therapeutic Benefits?

Alright, now that we know that lotions that are made for skincare are generally going to outperform CBD lotions when it comes to skincare, let’s see how they perform in CBD’s home court. Now that CBD has the home field advantage we’re surely all hoping for great things from them. 

Skincare lotion does have a lot of benefits for your skin, and many might argue that that’s a therapeutic effect on its own. We can’t quite disagree, there’s something very relaxing about your skin being well taken care of and hydrated.

In fact, if you ever go to a spa, odds are that they’ll use a lotion that was specifically formulated for skincare at some point during your visit. That’s nothing to shake a stick at, and that does mean that skincare lotion can definitely provide some therapeutic benefits to some. 

That being said, is it really the ingredients of the lotion that are providing the therapeutic effects, or is it its context? Of course, spa days are already nice because you get to relax and hang out, and you can get your face feeling nice and clean with warm water and a towel. 

Most skincare lotions do not have a single ingredient in them that is specifically meant to provide any sort of relaxation. It’s not the job of these kinds of lotions to make you feel more relaxed, just to keep your skin healthy and hydrated for as long as possible. 

CBD lotion, on the other hand, is specifically designed to help with a myriad of things. For example:

This is because of the way that CBD interacts with your nervous system, or at least that’s what’s commonly believed about this particular product. A lot of people feel that CBD is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to their discomfort and the such. 

So, who wins this round? Well, the answer for this one is pretty clear. While lotion designed for skincare might be able to provide some relaxing side effects, it’s simply not designed to help with anything therapeutic beyond keeping your skin healthy and hydrated. 

Because of this, we’re going to have to give this one to CBD lotion. There’s simply no contest, skincare lotion did not stand a chance in this category when it was faced up against CBD lotion. 

Which is Better Overall?

Now we’ve reached the most important question, which product is going to be the most useful overall for the largest number of users? This section is a little tricky to say definitively, but we’re going to do our best to find an answer that everyone will be happy with. 

We’ve taken a look at which one works better for skincare, and we’re certainly all in agreeance that skincare lotion blows CBD lotion out of the water in this category for a lot of very good reasons. CBD lotion typically isn’t made just for skincare, while most skincare lotions are designed by dermatologists that want to ensure that people can have healthy skin.

We’ve also looked at which is better for its therapeutic effects, which was another blowout but this time in favor of CBD lotion. None of the ingredients in skincare lotion can compare to the power of CBD when it comes to therapeutic effects. 

Now, with it being an even tie, we have to determine which is better for overall use. Is this an impossible task? Absolutely not. In fact, you might have already reached your own conclusion based on the information that you’ve been given.

At the end of the day, we can’t actually tell you which one is better. That is because we don’t know exactly why you’re looking into getting a new lotion. You’re the only one that can say for sure which is going to work better. 

If you’re looking for something to keep your skin glowing with natural youth with ease, you’ll want to go with skincare lotion because it will keep your skin moisturized and give it all of the nutrients it needs to be happy and healthy, even as you progress into old age. 

If you’re looking for something that might be able to help with your stiff left arm, go with CBD lotion. Many people say that you could just get some in your hand and rub it on your arm to make it feel a little better for a while.

Or, you could always do both if both fit your goals. You could also use skincare lotion and another CBD product if you wanted to. The choice is entirely yours, and you should do whatever makes your life easiest.

Picking the Right One for You

You never know how something might help you until you try it. Certainly, at some point in your life, you’ve picked up something that you’re unsure how you ever lived without. Experimenting with skincare and CBD could have you feeling more comfortable in your skin for a number of reasons. Finding the right option for you is important and could greatly improve your quality of life. 

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